Career, Progression, and Socialization
Posted by Precious Jewel on
"I was not leveraging the resources that could properly advocate on my behalf, and I struggled for months finding the right position because of it. It was a wake up call."
Social Elevation
Posted by Precious Jewel on
Many women think social mobility = a college degree, but this is minuscule. You can go so much higher. This is entirely possible with adequate instruction and ongoing support. We MUST be socialized and taught to reach the highest pinnacles of our respective fields and become bastions of high society. Why? There are innumerable benefits that avail themselves to participants, for each ascending tier one reaches in life. Beginning with, but not limited to:
Lessons to Pass Down
Posted by Precious Jewel on
Image, Presentation, and Its Benefits
Posted by Precious Jewel on
High Maintenance Chronicles Part One
Posted by Precious Jewel on