“Joining The Prestige Society was hands down the BEST thing I ever did for my level up journey. The discussions have been nothing short of transformative.
I started with the book club. In just a year I enrolled in school, started a small online business, and got accepted into a social club in my city. My social calendar is now full of exciting events and I spend my free time around more middle class and upper class people than I ever did before. I have gone on dates with men who would have intimidated me before, but now I am not flustered or nervous at all. My mindset has shifted and I no longer place these people on a pedestal. My knowledge of the hidden rules of class has allowed me to integrate into these spaces and pass many of the tests that my new acquaintances and dates have thrown at me. I know I still have a long way to go, but I feel excited to be growing and evolving into this next version of myself. Please join the society and read the blogs! It'll take you to the next level! Thank you Precious for all your hard work, you are changing lives!”
The Prestige Society Member
Your work is so necessary for Black women and girls who are often in communities where we are taught that the hard-fought way of living is the only way. The mission of what you do beautifully illustrates that when we tap into the softness that's inside of us we not only elevate our own lives but the lives of those around us.
“In our recent Adult Society meeting we went over fine dining etiquette. We explored many aspects — from making the reservation to dress code. My favorite part was the activity, where we created a place setting to resemble one of a fine dining establishment. This training paired well with the “What Exactly Should I Order?” blog, written by Precious Jewel. This blog provides a list of suggested items to order that are common in a fine dining setting. Now, thanks to The Prestige School of Protocol, I can’t wait to make a reservation and practice what I learned!
-Leah D.
The Prestige Society Member, Lesson Three (The Art of Fine Dining)
“This blog post spoke to me. It made me realize that honoring yourself is more meticulous than your run of the mill "self care" (pedicures, journaling about your day, therapy etc). It’s about being intentional about who and what you let into your space. Clutter isn't just something that happens on your home or your car—you can be emotionally cluttered and that is not healthy either. This post was so insightful and wise and it made me reflect on my own life.”
The Art of Decluttering Blog
As a 26 year old, I am now closer to thirty than twenty. Given, I still have years in my late twenties which I am very excited for! Something, I’m doing to maximize this season of my life and to prepare to be the best woman I can in my thirties, is embracing the lessons from The Prestige School of Protocol as an Adult Society member.
In the “A List of Items Every Woman Should Have” blog there is a list of 10 “items” that you should have before reaching the age of 30. These items are not all tangible. Many require inner work to help become the best version of yourself, such as manners and self confidence. On this journey of becoming a more polished and sophisticated woman, I’m grateful to not have to walk alone as I have the support of other like minded women in the society.
Items Every Woman Should Have Before 30 Blog
“Loved the blog post and I agree. I’ve gotten to where I am now today partially because I am likable.”
- The Importance of Being Likable Blog
“Poise and Posture is a great lesson for learning to be more ladylike and mindful of your speech and body moments. I loved every moment!!”
- Poise and Posture Consultation
"I am truly grateful for the opportunity to attend the womanhood course offered by the Prestige School of Protocol. The information presented by Ms. Precious was refreshingly clear and the lessons that were reviewed were some discussions that I was not taught as a younger child growing up in a single parent home.
Ms. Precious was very patient and non-judgmental in answering my questions about my lack of knowledge on how to lean more into my femininity in my older age. Attending this course has changed my perspective and has given me a new outlook on how I have decided to move forward in my life. Living in a world where being the “ independent BOSS woman” without having a balance is promoted more than being a nurturer or a receiver is no longer a desire for me.
Thank you Ms. Precious for helping me on my new chapter on my womanhood journey.”
- Womanhood Consultation
“The series you selected to accompany the book was amazing! I know you only recommended to watch a few episodes but I will continue watching the entire series. I loved that it highlighted mother daughter relationships and it will be used to learn from on my level up journey.”
- Book club member
“Adult society has held me accountable and has helped my relationship with myself and others.”
- The Prestige Society/Adult Charm School Member
“This blog post made me think of my future and the community that I built for myself. I love the idea of being intentional about nurturing the relationships we have outside of marriage. Feminine sisterhood is essential in every season in our life and we must hold those relationships close to our heart so we have support through the good times and the bad. I appreciated that a fictional character was used as an example so we could learn from her many mistakes. Strategy is essential, becoming a wife does not mean your work is done. I also really love that you pointed out that because she did not have those essential relationships she was left unprotected which is one of the worst parts of her tragic story.”
Even Married Women Must Be Strategic Blog
“Congratulations to Precious on your first woman’s ettiequte webinar! I really enjoyed your presentation . I definitely learned some great things that I will implement in my day to day. Can’t wait for the next. If your interested in a an intriguing conversation centered around womanhood check out The Prestige School of Protocol 💕💕💕”
Lessons from my Mother webinar participant
"Ava and I really appreciate you and this program. I have truly seen the growth in Ava since she began Charm School!"
Mother of Charm School for Girls member
Thank you for helping me expand my definitions of simplicity. In my mind I was stuck on jeans and a t-shirt, and the looks you have pieced together are a grown-up and elegant expansion of the definition of simplicity.
Defining My Lifestyle Style Guide and Fashion Board Client
"I just want to say thank you again for this training, and thank you for your gift. You are using your valuable time and energy to do something so powerful, and I absolutely appreciate it. I wish I had this information when I was younger so that I embodied it better sooner, but there's no time like the present.
Lessons from my Mother participant
“Thank you for sending the list. It was very helpful..
Michelle C”
Casual and Fancy Blog