News — soft

Never Be The First To Break Away

Posted by Precious Jewel on

Never Be The First To Break Away

At age nine I hugged an elder family member. The hug lasted approximately three seconds before I broke away. She scolded me immediately. "Never break a hug first." I carried that rule with me ever since. According to scientists, the benefits of hugging go beyond the warm feeling we may get when we hold someone in our arms. Showing someone support through touch can reduce the stress of the person being comforted. Hugging can also reduce the stress of the person doing the comforting.  In a study of over 400 adults, researchers found that hugging may reduce the chance a...

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From Girlhood to Womanhood

Posted by Precious Jewel on

From Girlhood to Womanhood

These experiences were lovely and an important aspect of girlhood for me, so I would like to share a list I believe every.... Continue reading for Private Members Only. 

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Posted by Precious Jewel on


For Private Society/Blog Access Members.

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Allow Little Girls to Be Little Girls

Posted by Precious Jewel on

Allow Little Girls to Be Little Girls

For Blog Access and Private Society Members.  

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Treat Yourself As Delicately As You'd Like Others to Treat You

Posted by Precious Jewel on

Treat Yourself As Delicately As You'd Like Others to Treat You

Ladies, once you start treating yourself more soft and with delicacy, you will only expect others to treat you similarly and when they do not, you'll exit, because you yourself are already in the habit of treating yourself with ease and softness.  You are delicate. Start treating yourself that way. Do your self care. Take yourselves out on dates, spend time with yourself, read a good book (or join our bookclub!), take a day trip to a nearby city, enjoy a nice bath with candles and bath petals, buy yourself flowers, or visit a comedy club--something that will make you...

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