Dining Etiquette (Child and Teen)

Dining Etiquette (Child and Teen)

  • $109.00
    Unit price per 

Our child and teen dining etiquette course covers the fundamentals of table manners, addressing everything from place settings to holding utensils, good posture to appropriate conversation and more.

Participants of this course will learn how to navigate a place setting and menu, hold utensils properly and understand the differences between American and Continental styles, understand manners for specific courses in the meal, from bread and butter to soup and salad, have good posture, eye contact and appropriate gestures, interact if you do not like what you’ve ordered, properly test your host or guest of honor, and end a meal properly and know when you can leave the table. 

This course is offered in person and virtually. 

Upon booking, please enter your email address. Each participant interested in booking this service will be sent a Client Needs-Assessment Questionaire for you to complete within 72 hours which also includes the date and time you interested in conducting your session with at least 3 days notice of interested dates. All out of the area clients are able to complete their seminar via phone, zoom, or Facetime. 

Contact us for pair, family, or group pricing.

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