Femininity Fundamentals: Lessons from My Mother

Femininity Fundamentals: Lessons from My Mother

  • $130.00
    Unit price per 

"A lady never asks a woman her age and a lady never tells." "A woman must always look her best when she is leaving the house." "Wearing white after labor day is a big no." Have you ever heard either of these phrases before?

In our Prestige School of Protocol Book Club discussion two months ago, we discussed the lessons each of our mothers, grandmothers, and maternal figures passed down to us. Unfortunately, not every woman has had a role model to teach her certain lessons that accompanies being a woman. Prestige School of Protocol bridge the gap. 

This course is perfect for those who have:

1. Never learned lessons on the change from girlhood to womanhood. 

2. Need a refresher on lessons that were taught about the change from girlhood to womanhood.

3. Have daughters. 

4. Are daughters ages 11+ with parents permission. 

Prestige School of Protocol will cover:

1. Femininity Foundation & Image 

2. Womanhood/Girlhood

3. Etiquette Introduction

4. Beauty Basics 

5. Strategy Moving Forward 

Webinar registration for this virtual event is now closed. You may now book this course as a one on one service. This course is offered virtually. 

Please provide email when booking!


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